25 January 2018

A blinding beauty

An unusual Anonymous request :)
How could he not notice it? It should have been so obvious! Was he really so distracted by her beauty that he didn’t realized her condition? He never was a good observer, but this time that costed him a lot.

God, she was so beautiful! With her cute face, perfect skin, luscious lips, and that breathtaking rack. He started to go to that cafeteria every day for his lunch break just so he could look at her and contemplate her beauty. She was his dream girl, and he would have given everything just so he could have chatted a bit with her, and get to know her, and why not, maybe ask her out. But he was just too shy, and a total disaster when it came to talking to chicks. So he just resigned himself to contemplate her from a distance, fantasizing about all the things he would have done to her if he could have taken her to the bedroom. And those thought would accompany him home, where he would masturbate almost on a daily basis thinking about her. However that habit would have soon changed his life forever.

The F.O.S.E. struck that afternoon. The mysterious wave went across the whole country, swapping people’s bodies and spreading chaos all over the world. Whoever was masturbating at the moment the event took place, soon found himself trapped in the body of the person he was thinking about while doing so. And our protagonist was among the many victims. He was just about to reach climax when he suddenly found himself plunged into complete darkness. He felt remarkably different, however he could not understand why, and despite all the alien sensations his body was sending him all he could think about was the fact that he couldn’t see anything except an impenetrable black void. He started to move gropingly, trying to figure out where he was as the panic started to take control of him. He realized that he was in a narrow place, and as he felt the running water washing over his body and its thunderous noise filling his ears he realized that he was under the shower. Struggling to find the way out of there he started to fidget, until his arms happened to hit his chest. He felt something wiggle, and he perplexedly brought his new dainty hands there, where he found two huge mound of flesh covered in foam. He groped, and squeezed them, and he realized that his new large nipples were getting hard under his touch. He gasped as he came to the realization that those mounds were in fact attached to him. He had breasts! Confused and frightened he started to run his hands over all of his new body, feeling the soft skin covered in foam, sensing his new large hips and his soft ass, until he finally brought them down to his crotch were he found a slit where his dick should have been. He was a girl! And he was blind!

Later on he would have learned about the F.O.S.E. and he would have understood what had happened to him. He was now trapped in the body of the girl he had a crush on. He regretted so much having masturbated to her, but most of all he felt stupid for not having realized that she was actually blind. So that was why she seemed to always wear sunglasses even on rainy days, and her habit of staring into the distance wasn’t at all a sign of a deep reflective soul as he thought at first! He hated himself, and now that he was stuck forever as a blind girl he hated almost every single aspect of his new life. She on the other hand, despite nurturing a bit of resentment towards him for having caused their body swap, was glad that she could see again, and did whatever she could to help him get used to his new condition. It was so hard for him to deal with his disability, and the fact that he now couldn’t even contemplate his newfound beauty was incredibly frustrating. However with time it got easier, and after a while he got used to go around his house relying only on his remaining senses. What he could never really get used to was the amazing feeling that caressing his new sexy body and groping his new huge tits would give him. Nor he could ever have enough of the bliss he achieved when he masturbated.


  1. Wonderful cap, I love it. Thank you so much for doing my request ;-)
    Your story tell the first despair to be blind and than the beautiful feelings of being a woman so good. It is fascinating, but also very strange. Well done ;-)

    1. I'm glad you liked it :) It was fun to tackle something a bit different ;)
