30 December 2017
29 December 2017
Inside the lab
Your curiosity is just too much to handle. You make
sure that nobody is looking at you, and since everybody seem to be busy and it
looks like no one is paying attention to you, you decide to take your chance
and rush to the door.
I front of you, you find a long corridor, and the
whole environment looks cold and aseptic. To your left and right there are
endless rows of doors. Overwhelmed by that sight, you start to wonder whether
it was an error to step in there, but suddenly you hear someone coming from
behind the corner.
You have to think fast! The only way to not be found
out is to step either into the room to your immediate left or right. The plate
to your left says “Chemical lab”, while to your right there is the “Tech lab”.
What do you do?
The technological lab
You step into the room to your right, and are overwhelmed
by what you find there. It’s like you have just entered into a sci-fi universe!
All around you are weird and amazing devices that fascinate you and make you
curious, so much so that you forget that you are hiding from security and start
to snoop around.
But which of those devices get your attention the
The pod
you saw the pod to your left it immediately caught your attention with its
bright red color. Its size like that of a phone booth and the bright led lights
inside of it make you want to step inside of it and inspect it, since just by
looking at it from the outside you have no way to understand how that thing works
or what it does.
As soon as you step into the pod the doors instantly close behind you, and suddenly you hear the machine start to work making weird noises. The led lights start to glow brighter, and it’s almost like the light is radiating through you. You feel strange, as your whole body starts to tingle, while your clothes seem to be disappearing into thin air. You start to panic.
What do you do?
As soon as you step into the pod the doors instantly close behind you, and suddenly you hear the machine start to work making weird noises. The led lights start to glow brighter, and it’s almost like the light is radiating through you. You feel strange, as your whole body starts to tingle, while your clothes seem to be disappearing into thin air. You start to panic.
What do you do?
The helmets
alluring as the other devices are, you can’t help but feel irresistibly drawn
to the strange helmets you see to your right. Placed as they are on top of two
mannequins, they look just like something out of some of cyberpunk movie. You
get close to inspect them, and see that the helmet to the left with wires
coming out of it and going into a huge computer is labeled “Project A.I.”,
while the one to your right that looks just like a VR set is labelled “Game of
twilight project”. You are simply too curious, and soon feel compelled to try
one of the two on.
Which one do you put on?
The gate
was pretty obvious towards which device you would have gravitated. Whatever
that portal is, it looks simply incredible. You can’t help but be intrigued by
its weird appearance, so you start to inspect it.
The weird blue surface looks just like the surface of a pond, except for the weird and otherworldly light at the bottom of it. The only thing that can help you possibly figure out what you are looking at is what looks like a control panel to its right, but the only switch you can find on it was some kind of wheel.
The only possible thing to do seem to be to mess with it and see what happens, so you decide to try to spin it. As you do so, you notice the light inside the portal get more intense, like something has been activated. You stare at that light transfixed, almost hypnotized by it, and some kind of strange force compels you to step through the gate and find out what awaits you to the other side of it.
How much did you spin the wheel?
The weird blue surface looks just like the surface of a pond, except for the weird and otherworldly light at the bottom of it. The only thing that can help you possibly figure out what you are looking at is what looks like a control panel to its right, but the only switch you can find on it was some kind of wheel.
The only possible thing to do seem to be to mess with it and see what happens, so you decide to try to spin it. As you do so, you notice the light inside the portal get more intense, like something has been activated. You stare at that light transfixed, almost hypnotized by it, and some kind of strange force compels you to step through the gate and find out what awaits you to the other side of it.
How much did you spin the wheel?
The chemical lab
You instinctively step into the room to your left. In
front of you, you found what looks like a pretty plain and uninteresting
chemical laboratory. You expected something fancier given all the stories you
heard about that place. What really surprises you is the fact that most of the
stills and alembic you see around you seem to be empty.
An ampoule filled with a bright pink liquid suddenly
catches your attention. You look at it transfixed. Its brightness is so intense
that it almost seems to be glowing, and as you smell it intrigued you find out
that it smells incredibly nice, like a perfume.
You know it would not be wise at all to drink its
content without having any idea of what it is, but you feel strangely compelled
to take it in your hand and bring it close to your mouth.
What do you do?
The TG Formula
simply can’t help it. Maybe it is hasty, if not downright dangerous, to drink
something without any clue of what the consequences may be. But nothing that
smells that sweet could really be harmful after all, right?
Your hand shakes as you bring the ampoule to your mouth, and you take a deep breath before chugging the pink liquid down. It tastes even sweeter than you would have imagined. As soon as you have emptied the container, you feel your guts starting to twist and turn, and as an intense pain grips your stomach you can’t help but letting the ampoule go. As it crashes on the floor you fall on your knees while holding your belly. It burns, and you start to feel unbearably hot. It almost feels like you are about to melt.
Your body suddenly starts to change. You feel the skin on your hand start to tingle, and as you look at it you see your nails elongate, your fingers and hand become slim and dainty, and the hair on your arm retreat into your body. A flock of hair falls in front of your face, and as you take it in your hand you see it keep growing longer and longer. Suddenly you feel a stinging pain on your chest, and you can’t help but let out a yelp as two round mounds of flesh suddenly erupt on your chest, a yelp that comes out in a high-pitched voice that does not belong to you. All your body starts to ache, as your bones crack and rearrange themselves, and your muscles shrivel until your figure becomes slender and delicate. Finally you feel the bulge in your crotch deflate, as your balls recede into your groin, your penis become smaller and smaller until it becomes nothing more than a button, and a slit painfully forms between your legs.
As the changes finally stop so does the pain, and you can finally catch your breath and inspect your changed body. You can’t help but bring your dainty hands to your chest in disbelief, and you gasp as you give a firm squeeze to your new breasts. You get more and more scared, and you immediately check out what’s now down in your groin. All you can find is an alien and unsettling void where your dick used to be. You are a girl!
Shocked and confused you realize that you have to do something and find a way to change back, but all you can find around you are three other alembics placed on the desk beside you. One contains a red liquid, one a green one, and the last one a blue one. One of them may possibly undo the effects of the last potion you drunk, but there’s no way to know that for sure, and most importantly even if that was the case there is really no way to know which one of them may be the cure.
What do you do?
Your hand shakes as you bring the ampoule to your mouth, and you take a deep breath before chugging the pink liquid down. It tastes even sweeter than you would have imagined. As soon as you have emptied the container, you feel your guts starting to twist and turn, and as an intense pain grips your stomach you can’t help but letting the ampoule go. As it crashes on the floor you fall on your knees while holding your belly. It burns, and you start to feel unbearably hot. It almost feels like you are about to melt.
Your body suddenly starts to change. You feel the skin on your hand start to tingle, and as you look at it you see your nails elongate, your fingers and hand become slim and dainty, and the hair on your arm retreat into your body. A flock of hair falls in front of your face, and as you take it in your hand you see it keep growing longer and longer. Suddenly you feel a stinging pain on your chest, and you can’t help but let out a yelp as two round mounds of flesh suddenly erupt on your chest, a yelp that comes out in a high-pitched voice that does not belong to you. All your body starts to ache, as your bones crack and rearrange themselves, and your muscles shrivel until your figure becomes slender and delicate. Finally you feel the bulge in your crotch deflate, as your balls recede into your groin, your penis become smaller and smaller until it becomes nothing more than a button, and a slit painfully forms between your legs.
As the changes finally stop so does the pain, and you can finally catch your breath and inspect your changed body. You can’t help but bring your dainty hands to your chest in disbelief, and you gasp as you give a firm squeeze to your new breasts. You get more and more scared, and you immediately check out what’s now down in your groin. All you can find is an alien and unsettling void where your dick used to be. You are a girl!
Shocked and confused you realize that you have to do something and find a way to change back, but all you can find around you are three other alembics placed on the desk beside you. One contains a red liquid, one a green one, and the last one a blue one. One of them may possibly undo the effects of the last potion you drunk, but there’s no way to know that for sure, and most importantly even if that was the case there is really no way to know which one of them may be the cure.
What do you do?
can do nothing but stare powerless from afar as your husband performs his
speech in front of the crowd of his subjects. You may know nothing about the politics
and the religion of ancient Egypt, but you have seen enough historical drama to
know that it will do him no good to just keep following to a tee all the
advices that snake of the minister gives him. But no matter how many times you
try to warn him and help him, he’s just as confused and powerless as you are.
You wish you paid more attention to all those documentaries on ancient Egypt
aired on History Channel. If you did, by now you would know what awaits you and
your husband. Instead you can just stand back and watch as the greatest empire
of the ancient times is devastated by religious intestine conflicts and war
with other people.
‘It could have been worse’ you repeat to yourself. ‘I could have ended up as a slave or god knows what else’. Even though you are now stuck as a woman, and married to your stepbrother, you can at least be happy that you are the wife of the pharaoh, which makes you the richest and most powerful woman in the world. That unfortunately is not saying much, since you husband is nothing but a puppet in the hands of men smarter and more ruthless than him, and you definitely are no Cleopatra. But at least as long as you will be stuck in this age and place you are more or less guaranteed that you will live a lavish and secure life, at least until someone decides to kill your husband or something.
But for how long are you going to be stuck in this age? So far all you could do was to just passively live your new life, and you have no idea of how you can get out of this predicament. Are you really doomed to be stuck like this for the rest of your life, trapped in a body that isn’t your own? You can only hope that’s not the case. You heard theories about the pyramids being built by aliens, maybe those stories are true and some grey or reptilian alien is going to take you back to your old life somehow. But for the time being you are Ankhesenamon, the queen of queens and wife of Tutankhamon, a god on heart, even though a powerless one. As crazy and intimidating as it all sounds, you think you can live through this for a while.
‘It could have been worse’ you repeat to yourself. ‘I could have ended up as a slave or god knows what else’. Even though you are now stuck as a woman, and married to your stepbrother, you can at least be happy that you are the wife of the pharaoh, which makes you the richest and most powerful woman in the world. That unfortunately is not saying much, since you husband is nothing but a puppet in the hands of men smarter and more ruthless than him, and you definitely are no Cleopatra. But at least as long as you will be stuck in this age and place you are more or less guaranteed that you will live a lavish and secure life, at least until someone decides to kill your husband or something.
But for how long are you going to be stuck in this age? So far all you could do was to just passively live your new life, and you have no idea of how you can get out of this predicament. Are you really doomed to be stuck like this for the rest of your life, trapped in a body that isn’t your own? You can only hope that’s not the case. You heard theories about the pyramids being built by aliens, maybe those stories are true and some grey or reptilian alien is going to take you back to your old life somehow. But for the time being you are Ankhesenamon, the queen of queens and wife of Tutankhamon, a god on heart, even though a powerless one. As crazy and intimidating as it all sounds, you think you can live through this for a while.
High society
stare out of the window and sigh melancholic as you see the carriage
approaching your house. Your luxurious, huge, and cold house. You feel just
like a character out of a Jane Austen book, or at least from a movie adapted
from one of those books. You were never into that kind of stuff. Stories about
high society chicks in the Victorian era, all mopey and pouting because they
have to marry some rich asshole while they wish for true love and freedom, were
never really compelling for your male self. But now that you are stuck as one
you can definitely relate a lot more.
It really does suck to not have any kind of voice and to be treated like little more than an object to be traded, but such was the life for women in Victorian England, for noble ones at least, and since movements for social progress for women are still a few years ahead of your current timeline, all you can do right now to try to get out of your predicament is to do your best with what you have.
That’s why you have decided to accept the duke’s proposal. He is an irritating stuck-up snob just like all the other noblemen you have met since you have woken up to your new life, and to top it off he’s even way older than you are, but if you accept his marriage proposal you are sure your mother will not turn down your request to visit the United States before your wedding. And once there… you don’t even know what you are going to do. The more you think about it, the more looking for Nikola Tesla and ask him help to return you to your time and body sounds preposterous. You don’t even remember where you have read that he was working on a time machine before he died, it was probably bullshit anyway. But that’s the closest thing you have to a plan right now, and you are getting more and more desperate.
Maybe being stuck as the only daughter of a rich English landlord is not all that bad, you could definitely have ended up a lot worse off in this age, but life as a noblewoman is no life for you. You hate to not be free to do anything, and to have all those bullshit rules to abide by, and most of all you hate being a girl! The mannerism, the uncomfortable clothes, the way people treat you. It’s just the worst! Maybe your plan is just a bunch of nonsense, but it’s the only hope you see for yourself right now, and you are not going to give up yet! There must be a way to get back home as yourself!
It really does suck to not have any kind of voice and to be treated like little more than an object to be traded, but such was the life for women in Victorian England, for noble ones at least, and since movements for social progress for women are still a few years ahead of your current timeline, all you can do right now to try to get out of your predicament is to do your best with what you have.
That’s why you have decided to accept the duke’s proposal. He is an irritating stuck-up snob just like all the other noblemen you have met since you have woken up to your new life, and to top it off he’s even way older than you are, but if you accept his marriage proposal you are sure your mother will not turn down your request to visit the United States before your wedding. And once there… you don’t even know what you are going to do. The more you think about it, the more looking for Nikola Tesla and ask him help to return you to your time and body sounds preposterous. You don’t even remember where you have read that he was working on a time machine before he died, it was probably bullshit anyway. But that’s the closest thing you have to a plan right now, and you are getting more and more desperate.
Maybe being stuck as the only daughter of a rich English landlord is not all that bad, you could definitely have ended up a lot worse off in this age, but life as a noblewoman is no life for you. You hate to not be free to do anything, and to have all those bullshit rules to abide by, and most of all you hate being a girl! The mannerism, the uncomfortable clothes, the way people treat you. It’s just the worst! Maybe your plan is just a bunch of nonsense, but it’s the only hope you see for yourself right now, and you are not going to give up yet! There must be a way to get back home as yourself!
sun feels warm, washing over your soft and sensitive skin. It is getting pretty
hot indeed, and you are getting increasingly tired. Soon it will be way too hot
to keep walking under the sun, and you will have to find a cooler place where
to rest. Which means that if a car finally happens to pass by, you risk to miss
it and be stuck in the middle of nowhere for god knows how much longer.
That’s why you decided to take some extreme measures. You figured that a hot girl like you would have had no problem finding a ride, but maybe in this day and age people are still quite wary of hippies. But hopefully now that you are hitchhiking naked you will be able to get the attention of some male trucked or something like that. Grated, it will probably be the worst kind of attention, but at least he will stop and hopefully give you a ride.
You kind of regret not having joined that group of hippies in their travel when they offered you the chance to do so, but back then you were way too weirded out by your new body and overturned by all that had happened to you to happily get in a van with a group of stoners. God knows what could have happened to you if you did so, but in retrospect everything would have been better than being stranded in the middle of nowhere having to basically live for the moment as you try to get to New York. And even when you will get there you have no idea what you will do. You don’t even know who you are! There’s nothing in your bag that can give you any hint on who you have become after you have stepped through that damned gate!
All you know is that somehow you have found yourself in the body of a girl, in 1969, in the middle of the Woodstock festival. At least you have to admit that once you got past the initial shock and unease of having traveled back in time and being stuck as a woman, and most importantly once you got a bit high, it turned out to be quite an enjoyable experience, and you were even able to avoid ending up having wild sex with all those freaks around you.
But now you have to stay focused and do your best to figure out a way to get back to your time and body, even though you have no idea of how to do it. But if there is someone who can help you, it must be in a big city like New York or some other place like that, so for now you can start with getting there. Maybe once there you can also try to figure out your new life, just so you don’t have to keep living like a vagabond. The 60s sure were a crazy time, a time of changes and turmoil. You can just hope that as long as you are stuck in this epoch you will manage to hang out more with the peace-and-love kind of people, instead of ending up in some riot or stuff like that.
That’s why you decided to take some extreme measures. You figured that a hot girl like you would have had no problem finding a ride, but maybe in this day and age people are still quite wary of hippies. But hopefully now that you are hitchhiking naked you will be able to get the attention of some male trucked or something like that. Grated, it will probably be the worst kind of attention, but at least he will stop and hopefully give you a ride.
You kind of regret not having joined that group of hippies in their travel when they offered you the chance to do so, but back then you were way too weirded out by your new body and overturned by all that had happened to you to happily get in a van with a group of stoners. God knows what could have happened to you if you did so, but in retrospect everything would have been better than being stranded in the middle of nowhere having to basically live for the moment as you try to get to New York. And even when you will get there you have no idea what you will do. You don’t even know who you are! There’s nothing in your bag that can give you any hint on who you have become after you have stepped through that damned gate!
All you know is that somehow you have found yourself in the body of a girl, in 1969, in the middle of the Woodstock festival. At least you have to admit that once you got past the initial shock and unease of having traveled back in time and being stuck as a woman, and most importantly once you got a bit high, it turned out to be quite an enjoyable experience, and you were even able to avoid ending up having wild sex with all those freaks around you.
But now you have to stay focused and do your best to figure out a way to get back to your time and body, even though you have no idea of how to do it. But if there is someone who can help you, it must be in a big city like New York or some other place like that, so for now you can start with getting there. Maybe once there you can also try to figure out your new life, just so you don’t have to keep living like a vagabond. The 60s sure were a crazy time, a time of changes and turmoil. You can just hope that as long as you are stuck in this epoch you will manage to hang out more with the peace-and-love kind of people, instead of ending up in some riot or stuff like that.
New game
weird and alluring as the other helmet was, you could not resist the temptation
to check out the smaller one. It looked exactly like one of those new VR sets
you had seen commercials for, and when you read the label you could not help
but feel thrilled. Maybe what you just had in your hand was the beta test for a
new virtual reality game! Who could resist the temptation of trying something
like that out? You put the helmet on and activated it.
Just like you expected, the first thing you saw was a videogame screen. Judging by the music and the design of the menu you figured out it must have been some kind of generic Western-style RPG. Nothing really original, but maybe experiencing it with a VR set would have been a blast. You noticed that besides the option of starting a new game, the ‘continue game’ option was also available. Most likely the programmers had a game already started to test the device. ‘Sweet’ you thought. If you continued the game you could have skipped all the crappy tutorials and dive straight into the adventure. You selected the option and entered the magical world of Game of Twilight.
You have no way to tell how much time has passed since that day. Days? Weeks? Months? It is impossible to assess it, since time goes by at a faster pace in the game, but you experience it just like everything is happening in real time. You have been stuck in the game for so long that you can barely remember how your real body feels by this point. The VR set is indeed amazing. It really does feel like you are actually in a fantasy land. You can feel the wind blowing through your long hair, and the weight of the armor over your frail frame, and the smell of your perfumed skin. Why did it have to be a girl?
You were quite unlucky indeed, beside very incautious. Not only you took the very stupid decision of trying out an experimental peripheral for virtual reality that trapped you in a videogame, but the programmer who started the game you continued had created a female character. And a rather cute one too. The programmers are apparently working on a way to get you out of the game somehow, but as of right now you have not received any news from them in what feels like an eternity. The best suggestion they have given you so far is to do your best to complete the main quest so that by finishing the game you will be automatically returned to reality.
Easier said than done! While you are in the game you are bond to its rules. There is no fast travel, no mod, and no cheat code. You have to explore and save the fantasy world of the game just like you are part of it, and it is massive! Why do every game need to be an open-world these days? All you can do is hope that those scientists figure out a way to get you out of there before things get too dangerous. For the time being the best you can do is to keep going and do your best to save the land of Phiolloterra from the Dark Lord and his army of evil. Good luck with that.
Just like you expected, the first thing you saw was a videogame screen. Judging by the music and the design of the menu you figured out it must have been some kind of generic Western-style RPG. Nothing really original, but maybe experiencing it with a VR set would have been a blast. You noticed that besides the option of starting a new game, the ‘continue game’ option was also available. Most likely the programmers had a game already started to test the device. ‘Sweet’ you thought. If you continued the game you could have skipped all the crappy tutorials and dive straight into the adventure. You selected the option and entered the magical world of Game of Twilight.
You have no way to tell how much time has passed since that day. Days? Weeks? Months? It is impossible to assess it, since time goes by at a faster pace in the game, but you experience it just like everything is happening in real time. You have been stuck in the game for so long that you can barely remember how your real body feels by this point. The VR set is indeed amazing. It really does feel like you are actually in a fantasy land. You can feel the wind blowing through your long hair, and the weight of the armor over your frail frame, and the smell of your perfumed skin. Why did it have to be a girl?
You were quite unlucky indeed, beside very incautious. Not only you took the very stupid decision of trying out an experimental peripheral for virtual reality that trapped you in a videogame, but the programmer who started the game you continued had created a female character. And a rather cute one too. The programmers are apparently working on a way to get you out of the game somehow, but as of right now you have not received any news from them in what feels like an eternity. The best suggestion they have given you so far is to do your best to complete the main quest so that by finishing the game you will be automatically returned to reality.
Easier said than done! While you are in the game you are bond to its rules. There is no fast travel, no mod, and no cheat code. You have to explore and save the fantasy world of the game just like you are part of it, and it is massive! Why do every game need to be an open-world these days? All you can do is hope that those scientists figure out a way to get you out of there before things get too dangerous. For the time being the best you can do is to keep going and do your best to save the land of Phiolloterra from the Dark Lord and his army of evil. Good luck with that.
Human mind, artificial body
strange wires and the huge computer were simply too strange looking to not get
your complete attention. Moreover the name on the label immediately captured
your imagination. Project A.I. … could it be that scientist were working on
some kind of revolutionary artificial intelligence? And if that was the case,
what was the point of the helmet? It was all simply too weird to not feel
compelled to try it on.
As soon as you did so your sight was completely obscured, and all you could see was a message reading “Say ‘start’ to begin scanning”. Scanning? Could it be that the helmet was supposed to scan a subject’s mind and turn it into an A.I.? That was awesome! Something simply out of a sci-fi movie! You couldn’t possibly pass on the chance to try out such an amazing technology, so in the end you just decided to go with it. <<Start!>>
As soon as you said the word everything went completely dark. But not only that, your whole body went immediately numb. You could not feel your arms, or legs, or anything! While you were fully alert, it was like you did not have a body anymore. And in fact that was exactly what had just happened. Just like you had imagined, the Project A.I.’s aim was to create a revolutionary kind of artificial intelligence starting from a human mind. However the technology had not been tested yet, and still needed many adjustments. While the helmet turned out to be a success in scanning a human mind and turning it into lines of code, the process was still too invasive, and made irreparable damage to the human brain. So while a copy of your conscience had been successfully transferred into a computer, your human body was left in a sort of coma, unable to move or do anything.
You remained floating in panic inside the computer as nothing but a sequence of 0s and 1s for what felt like an eternity before someone found your body and realized what had happened. And as soon as they did there was the problem of how to get you out of the computer. It was obvious that you needed a body first and foremost, but there was no way to transfer what was effectively just a program into a human body. Thankfully a nearby department had a good substitute for it.
Fortunately for you the technologies developed in the lab were very advanced also in the creation of state-of-the-art robots. Unfortunately for you those findings were being used to create a revolutionary kind of sex robot. With its advanced circuitries and sensors designed to make the robot react to stimuli just like a human would, the scientists thought that that was the closest thing to a human body, and therefore they transferred your conscience inside of it. Which means that as long as they will not have figured out how to return you to your human body you are stuck as a living sex doll.
While being able to actually move and feel something is way better than being just a line of code, this is still way too unsettling for you. Since the robot had been projected to react realistically to any kind of stimuli, everything from your weird plastic skin to your new robotic genitals feel way too sensitive. Moreover, even though it is technically impossible for you to feel something that could be called arousal, you can’t help but think that somehow some of the original program running the robot is still present in your mental circuitries and affecting your behavior, since as time goes by you can’t help but feel like you have a mission to complete, and that mission is to give pleasure to men. You don’t know for how much longer you will be able to fight these new urges, but you hope they can figure out how to make you a human again soon, because you doubt you will be able to resist for much longer.
As soon as you did so your sight was completely obscured, and all you could see was a message reading “Say ‘start’ to begin scanning”. Scanning? Could it be that the helmet was supposed to scan a subject’s mind and turn it into an A.I.? That was awesome! Something simply out of a sci-fi movie! You couldn’t possibly pass on the chance to try out such an amazing technology, so in the end you just decided to go with it. <<Start!>>
As soon as you said the word everything went completely dark. But not only that, your whole body went immediately numb. You could not feel your arms, or legs, or anything! While you were fully alert, it was like you did not have a body anymore. And in fact that was exactly what had just happened. Just like you had imagined, the Project A.I.’s aim was to create a revolutionary kind of artificial intelligence starting from a human mind. However the technology had not been tested yet, and still needed many adjustments. While the helmet turned out to be a success in scanning a human mind and turning it into lines of code, the process was still too invasive, and made irreparable damage to the human brain. So while a copy of your conscience had been successfully transferred into a computer, your human body was left in a sort of coma, unable to move or do anything.
You remained floating in panic inside the computer as nothing but a sequence of 0s and 1s for what felt like an eternity before someone found your body and realized what had happened. And as soon as they did there was the problem of how to get you out of the computer. It was obvious that you needed a body first and foremost, but there was no way to transfer what was effectively just a program into a human body. Thankfully a nearby department had a good substitute for it.
Fortunately for you the technologies developed in the lab were very advanced also in the creation of state-of-the-art robots. Unfortunately for you those findings were being used to create a revolutionary kind of sex robot. With its advanced circuitries and sensors designed to make the robot react to stimuli just like a human would, the scientists thought that that was the closest thing to a human body, and therefore they transferred your conscience inside of it. Which means that as long as they will not have figured out how to return you to your human body you are stuck as a living sex doll.
While being able to actually move and feel something is way better than being just a line of code, this is still way too unsettling for you. Since the robot had been projected to react realistically to any kind of stimuli, everything from your weird plastic skin to your new robotic genitals feel way too sensitive. Moreover, even though it is technically impossible for you to feel something that could be called arousal, you can’t help but think that somehow some of the original program running the robot is still present in your mental circuitries and affecting your behavior, since as time goes by you can’t help but feel like you have a mission to complete, and that mission is to give pleasure to men. You don’t know for how much longer you will be able to fight these new urges, but you hope they can figure out how to make you a human again soon, because you doubt you will be able to resist for much longer.
Almost changed!
Even though you are scared almost to the point of being unable to move,
you still manage to snap out of your state of shock and you start to hit on the
doors trying to break free.
You punch the doors, and kick them, and try to scream for help, but you suddenly hear your voice crack and then change tone to a high-pitched, even feminine one. You feel your strengths leave you as your body becomes smaller and weaker, and your figure becomes frail and slender. You see your hands become dainty and delicate in front of your eyes as you keep punching the doors, but despite your panic that only motivates you to try even harder to break free. So you gather all the strengths your new petite body allow you, and use all of your light weight to burst the doors open. You are finally free, but it’s already too late. You’ve been into the pod for too long, and now the transformation is complete. Or is it?
Apparently you were able to break free just moments before the final part of the transformation took place, so while the almost totality of your body turned female, you managed to keep your little friend between your legs. Awesome isn’t it? Well, it is quite weird actually. You now have to go through all the grooming a girl has to, and your appearance inevitably conditions your mannerisms as well as it feels strange to keep acting just like you were still a man while looking like that. Not to mention the fact that for everyone you look and sound just like a girl, and they treat you as such, so much so that guys have even started to hit on you. You have been reconsidering the offer the scientists made you to step again into the pod to complete the transformation. Even if it is impossible to turn you back into a guy at the current stage of researches, they can at least make you a fully formed girl. Maybe you should do that. As much as you like to still be able to pee while standing, it is weird to have to hide your bulge. Maybe getting rid of it would be the best solution.
You punch the doors, and kick them, and try to scream for help, but you suddenly hear your voice crack and then change tone to a high-pitched, even feminine one. You feel your strengths leave you as your body becomes smaller and weaker, and your figure becomes frail and slender. You see your hands become dainty and delicate in front of your eyes as you keep punching the doors, but despite your panic that only motivates you to try even harder to break free. So you gather all the strengths your new petite body allow you, and use all of your light weight to burst the doors open. You are finally free, but it’s already too late. You’ve been into the pod for too long, and now the transformation is complete. Or is it?
Apparently you were able to break free just moments before the final part of the transformation took place, so while the almost totality of your body turned female, you managed to keep your little friend between your legs. Awesome isn’t it? Well, it is quite weird actually. You now have to go through all the grooming a girl has to, and your appearance inevitably conditions your mannerisms as well as it feels strange to keep acting just like you were still a man while looking like that. Not to mention the fact that for everyone you look and sound just like a girl, and they treat you as such, so much so that guys have even started to hit on you. You have been reconsidering the offer the scientists made you to step again into the pod to complete the transformation. Even if it is impossible to turn you back into a guy at the current stage of researches, they can at least make you a fully formed girl. Maybe you should do that. As much as you like to still be able to pee while standing, it is weird to have to hide your bulge. Maybe getting rid of it would be the best solution.
Too scared and unsettled to do anything you stand paralyzed inside of
the pod. The tingle you feel over your body becomes more intense, and you start
to feel weak. You watch in disbelief your hands become dainty and delicate,
your arms become slender, your skin turn soft and sensitive, and your legs
becoming long and toned. You feel your hips sway outwards, your butt perk up
and become round and firm, and your whole figure becoming shorter and frailer.
Suddenly two mounds of flesh appear on your chest, and your hair grow on your
head and turn a light shade of blonde. Finally it is time to say goodbye to
your dick, as it inverts itself and disappear into your groin forming a pussy.
As soon as the transformation ends the doors of the pod finally open, and you storm outside of your prison relieved, only to immediately look down at your transformed body and come to the full realization of what has just happened to you. You are a woman now. This is so incredible and unsettling that you can’t even bring yourself to scream in panic and so you just stand there shaking barely sustained by your legs that you feel get weak for the shock.
A security guard will soon step into the lab to check out what that noise was, and you will have quite some explaining to do to make him believe that the gorgeous blonde woman standing naked in the middle of the lab of a top secret facility actually used to be a guy way too curious for his own good just a couple of minutes ago. Good luck with that.
As soon as the transformation ends the doors of the pod finally open, and you storm outside of your prison relieved, only to immediately look down at your transformed body and come to the full realization of what has just happened to you. You are a woman now. This is so incredible and unsettling that you can’t even bring yourself to scream in panic and so you just stand there shaking barely sustained by your legs that you feel get weak for the shock.
A security guard will soon step into the lab to check out what that noise was, and you will have quite some explaining to do to make him believe that the gorgeous blonde woman standing naked in the middle of the lab of a top secret facility actually used to be a guy way too curious for his own good just a couple of minutes ago. Good luck with that.
The fertility potion
blue one! Of course! It just made so much sense! If the pink one turned you
into a girl, the blue one would have obviously turned you back! Yeah, things
often times are not that obvious, and as you soon found out it is never wise to
take them for granted.
You realized you fucked up pretty bad as soon as you started to feel your belly become hard and starting to inflate. Your nipples started to hurt as you breasts swelled and filled with milk, and when you looked down and saw how fast your belly was inflating you let out a piercing shriek, that immediately got the attention of the security guard roaming the corridor.
When he entered the room he found a pregnant woman in a state of hysteric panic, holding on to the counter overwhelmed by the weight of her huge belly. As it turned out, what you drank was actually a fast acting experimental fertility potion, and due to the growth hormones contained in it you now find yourself already pretty far into the pregnancy. According to the doctors it’s going to take no more than a handful of weeks before it will be time for you to give birth to the little creature now twitching and turning inside of your womb. The thought of giving birth of course scares you beyond belief, and you still are overwhelmed by all the new sensation that your new pregnant body constantly sends you. You are not sure whether or not you can make it through this, but the scientists are really eager to see whether or not you will be able to successfully give birth and what kind of consequences this will end up having on you.
At least you were not entirely wrong about the color of the potions. Turns out you are expecting a boy. Congratulations!
You realized you fucked up pretty bad as soon as you started to feel your belly become hard and starting to inflate. Your nipples started to hurt as you breasts swelled and filled with milk, and when you looked down and saw how fast your belly was inflating you let out a piercing shriek, that immediately got the attention of the security guard roaming the corridor.
When he entered the room he found a pregnant woman in a state of hysteric panic, holding on to the counter overwhelmed by the weight of her huge belly. As it turned out, what you drank was actually a fast acting experimental fertility potion, and due to the growth hormones contained in it you now find yourself already pretty far into the pregnancy. According to the doctors it’s going to take no more than a handful of weeks before it will be time for you to give birth to the little creature now twitching and turning inside of your womb. The thought of giving birth of course scares you beyond belief, and you still are overwhelmed by all the new sensation that your new pregnant body constantly sends you. You are not sure whether or not you can make it through this, but the scientists are really eager to see whether or not you will be able to successfully give birth and what kind of consequences this will end up having on you.
At least you were not entirely wrong about the color of the potions. Turns out you are expecting a boy. Congratulations!
The youth potion
So frikkin’ boring! You can barely stay seated as the doctor keeps questioning
you. Every time you come to the lab for your weekly visit it is harder and
harder for you to get through it. You feel yourself explode with energy, and
you get more and more easily distracted by everything. It’s hard to stay
focused, and you barely pay attention to the questions they make you, and when
you manage to do so it is only more frustrating to you to come to the painful
realization that you are in fact experiencing an intelligence loss.
When you drank that green potion on that fatal day, you thought it was going to work at first when you noticed your new boobs become smaller and disappear into your body. However beside that it didn’t seem like you were getting back any trait of your male body. On the contrary, you realized you were changing even more drastically when you noticed that everything around you seemed to be getting bigger, and your clothes became so oversized that your pants fell down your legs and your shirt started to completely cover you like a gown. When the changes finally stopped and you could finally contemplate your reflection in a locker you realized that you did not in fact only got smaller. You had become younger.
Well, the youth potion the scientists have been working on works way too well. The only downside seems to be that the brain can’t be prevented to grow younger as well, which means that for the past few weeks your mind has been progressively losing your adult knowledge. Judging by the results of the tests it seems like it won’t take long before you start to think and act just like a little girl, a mind to fit your new body. But the more days go by, the less you seem to care about that. Sure, at first that prospect scared you, but with time it started to actually seem not that bad. By now you don’t even care about these visits. You just want to get out of that boring place and go back home where you will be free to play and enjoy yourself however you like.
Too bad no one has been working on a potion to make you older again. But who would want something like that after all?
When you drank that green potion on that fatal day, you thought it was going to work at first when you noticed your new boobs become smaller and disappear into your body. However beside that it didn’t seem like you were getting back any trait of your male body. On the contrary, you realized you were changing even more drastically when you noticed that everything around you seemed to be getting bigger, and your clothes became so oversized that your pants fell down your legs and your shirt started to completely cover you like a gown. When the changes finally stopped and you could finally contemplate your reflection in a locker you realized that you did not in fact only got smaller. You had become younger.
Well, the youth potion the scientists have been working on works way too well. The only downside seems to be that the brain can’t be prevented to grow younger as well, which means that for the past few weeks your mind has been progressively losing your adult knowledge. Judging by the results of the tests it seems like it won’t take long before you start to think and act just like a little girl, a mind to fit your new body. But the more days go by, the less you seem to care about that. Sure, at first that prospect scared you, but with time it started to actually seem not that bad. By now you don’t even care about these visits. You just want to get out of that boring place and go back home where you will be free to play and enjoy yourself however you like.
Too bad no one has been working on a potion to make you older again. But who would want something like that after all?
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