29 December 2017


You can do nothing but stare powerless from afar as your husband performs his speech in front of the crowd of his subjects. You may know nothing about the politics and the religion of ancient Egypt, but you have seen enough historical drama to know that it will do him no good to just keep following to a tee all the advices that snake of the minister gives him. But no matter how many times you try to warn him and help him, he’s just as confused and powerless as you are. You wish you paid more attention to all those documentaries on ancient Egypt aired on History Channel. If you did, by now you would know what awaits you and your husband. Instead you can just stand back and watch as the greatest empire of the ancient times is devastated by religious intestine conflicts and war with other people.

‘It could have been worse’ you repeat to yourself. ‘I could have ended up as a slave or god knows what else’. Even though you are now stuck as a woman, and married to your stepbrother, you can at least be happy that you are the wife of the pharaoh, which makes you the richest and most powerful woman in the world. That unfortunately is not saying much, since you husband is nothing but a puppet in the hands of men smarter and more ruthless than him, and you definitely are no Cleopatra. But at least as long as you will be stuck in this age and place you are more or less guaranteed that you will live a lavish and secure life, at least until someone decides to kill your husband or something.

But for how long are you going to be stuck in this age? So far all you could do was to just passively live your new life, and you have no idea of how you can get out of this predicament. Are you really doomed to be stuck like this for the rest of your life, trapped in a body that isn’t your own? You can only hope that’s not the case. You heard theories about the pyramids being built by aliens, maybe those stories are true and some grey or reptilian alien is going to take you back to your old life somehow. But for the time being you are Ankhesenamon, the queen of queens and wife of Tutankhamon, a god on heart, even though a powerless one. As crazy and intimidating as it all sounds, you think you can live through this for a while.


  1. I just discovered you Rachel and love this caption series. My Mistress/Wife is supportive of my sissy/cross dressing side and while she doesn't normally look at tg stuff I got her to play it and she enjoyed it quite a lot. I hope you will do some more like this.
    Thanks for a wonderful site and I'm going to be checking all your captions and will be adding comments - all good ones I'm sure :)

    I got my wife to play this game and while she

  2. Whoops! looks like I did something twice
