29 December 2017

The youth potion

Boring! So frikkin’ boring! You can barely stay seated as the doctor keeps questioning you. Every time you come to the lab for your weekly visit it is harder and harder for you to get through it. You feel yourself explode with energy, and you get more and more easily distracted by everything. It’s hard to stay focused, and you barely pay attention to the questions they make you, and when you manage to do so it is only more frustrating to you to come to the painful realization that you are in fact experiencing an intelligence loss.

When you drank that green potion on that fatal day, you thought it was going to work at first when you noticed your new boobs become smaller and disappear into your body. However beside that it didn’t seem like you were getting back any trait of your male body. On the contrary, you realized you were changing even more drastically when you noticed that everything around you seemed to be getting bigger, and your clothes became so oversized that your pants fell down your legs and your shirt started to completely cover you like a gown. When the changes finally stopped and you could finally contemplate your reflection in a locker you realized that you did not in fact only got smaller. You had become younger.

Well, the youth potion the scientists have been working on works way too well. The only downside seems to be that the brain can’t be prevented to grow younger as well, which means that for the past few weeks your mind has been progressively losing your adult knowledge. Judging by the results of the tests it seems like it won’t take long before you start to think and act just like a little girl, a mind to fit your new body. But the more days go by, the less you seem to care about that. Sure, at first that prospect scared you, but with time it started to actually seem not that bad. By now you don’t even care about these visits. You just want to get out of that boring place and go back home where you will be free to play and enjoy yourself however you like.

Too bad no one has been working on a potion to make you older again. But who would want something like that after all?

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