26 December 2017

The chocolate box - Choice 5: Curvylicious

Be careful honey. I love chocolates as much as the next girl, but you should keep in mind that that kind of sweets are very high in calories. And girls should really watch for what they eat.

The consequences for exaggerating with food are quite obvious, and you realize that as you feel your hips sway and become larger and larger, and your ass becomes fat and soft. Then fat continues to pile up on your belly, and your legs, and your chest, where two big and round breasts are forming. In a matter of seconds you have transformed into a truly curvylicious plus size beauty. I told you, you should have watched out for the sweets.

Then again, why feel bad for enjoying food. Why should you be ashamed for liking to eat? Mankind has lived for thousands of years without diets. You should not feel compelled to exercise and be thin just to please some backwards idea of what true beauty is. So treat yourself! Cupcakes are tasty, and chocolates are the best! Love your body girl! You are beautiful as you are, and you know it!


  1. I picked well :D My first thought was to be in a sandwich with two black guys, judging from the picture, but I think I like this one more :D

  2. Perfection. I love this. Lol!

  3. I chose wisely. I will take pride in my new life

  4. Awesome! That's what I've always wanted to be as a woman: curvaceous!! And combined with my first choice ("heart-shaped chocolate") and my second choice ("stuffed one"), this gives the fulfillment of my dream wish: this is what my life as a woman looks like, and for this I go without a doubt .... . - Tom -
