06 February 2018

Family duty

I can understand why my dad is disappointed in me. Like, I really do. He is an old-fashioned man after all, and family has always been the most important thing for him. As his only child, he always had great expectations for me. I should have been the one to carry on the family name to the next generation. But I couldn’t meet those expectation. He had a very strict idea of how a man should or shouldn’t behave, and I guess I have been kind of a failure.

I’m aware I’ve not been the manliest of men. I’ve never been too fond of sports, never been very competitive or ambitious. I’ve been called a sissy one of two times back in the days. It’s just that I never felt like I could fit the image that he had in mind for me. So yes, I get why he would be concerned about my capability of carrying on the family, I really do. After all I’m 23 years old now and still I have not been able to get a girlfriend in all these years. But this seems a little… excessive.

I mean, turning me into a girl?! Is this really the best solution? Does he really have such little consideration of me as a man that he thinks that the only way for me to fulfill my family duty is to become a woman?

He even made me very attractive to be extra sure that I would be able to carry on the family name. But how am I supposed to do that if I have to take my husband’s last name? I guess that the perspective of having a grandchild is enough for him. Wait a minute? Husband?! Grandchild?! What am I even thinking?! This is wrong! I can’t just accept it!

Then again what can I even do now? I’ve never been able to stand my ground against him. How can I even think I would be able to do so now that I’m… like this? This body feels so strange. So alien. These tits are huge, these hair keep getting in the way and my hips sway uncontrollably with every step I take. It feels so wrong. But not as wrong as I’d imagined it would feel. It actually feels rather good at times. And all the attention I’m getting from guys… it flatters me strangely enough. I’ve never been into guys. I’m not gay or anything. But I’m finding out I don’t mind at all the way they look at me. I’m enjoying it actually. And I guess that now that I’m a girl there wouldn’t be anything gay if I returned some of the attention. Sure, I used to be a man, but now I’m not. And even if I’m stuck like this I guess that doesn’t relieve me from my family duty. After all I can’t disappoint my dad one more time. It would be too much.

Guess I just can’t avoid it. After all it is my duty. I’ll play my part. Perhaps dad will finally be proud of me now.


  1. Good caption. It's been some time since I've seen a "transformed into a woman for being unmanly" caption, let alone such a good one.

    1. Thanks for the kind words :) Tbh I don't know why I don't make more like this :P I like the concept quite a bit XD
