29 December 2017


Too scared and unsettled to do anything you stand paralyzed inside of the pod. The tingle you feel over your body becomes more intense, and you start to feel weak. You watch in disbelief your hands become dainty and delicate, your arms become slender, your skin turn soft and sensitive, and your legs becoming long and toned. You feel your hips sway outwards, your butt perk up and become round and firm, and your whole figure becoming shorter and frailer. Suddenly two mounds of flesh appear on your chest, and your hair grow on your head and turn a light shade of blonde. Finally it is time to say goodbye to your dick, as it inverts itself and disappear into your groin forming a pussy.

As soon as the transformation ends the doors of the pod finally open, and you storm outside of your prison relieved, only to immediately look down at your transformed body and come to the full realization of what has just happened to you. You are a woman now. This is so incredible and unsettling that you can’t even bring yourself to scream in panic and so you just stand there shaking barely sustained by your legs that you feel get weak for the shock.

A security guard will soon step into the lab to check out what that noise was, and you will have quite some explaining to do to make him believe that the gorgeous blonde woman standing naked in the middle of the lab of a top secret facility actually used to be a guy way too curious for his own good just a couple of minutes ago. Good luck with that.

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