29 December 2017

The TG Formula

You simply can’t help it. Maybe it is hasty, if not downright dangerous, to drink something without any clue of what the consequences may be. But nothing that smells that sweet could really be harmful after all, right?

Your hand shakes as you bring the ampoule to your mouth, and you take a deep breath before chugging the pink liquid down. It tastes even sweeter than you would have imagined. As soon as you have emptied the container, you feel your guts starting to twist and turn, and as an intense pain grips your stomach you can’t help but letting the ampoule go. As it crashes on the floor you fall on your knees while holding your belly. It burns, and you start to feel unbearably hot. It almost feels like you are about to melt.

Your body suddenly starts to change. You feel the skin on your hand start to tingle, and as you look at it you see your nails elongate, your fingers and hand become slim and dainty, and the hair on your arm retreat into your body. A flock of hair falls in front of your face, and as you take it in your hand you see it keep growing longer and longer. Suddenly you feel a stinging pain on your chest, and you can’t help but let out a yelp as two round mounds of flesh suddenly erupt on your chest, a yelp that comes out in a high-pitched voice that does not belong to you. All your body starts to ache, as your bones crack and rearrange themselves, and your muscles shrivel until your figure becomes slender and delicate. Finally you feel the bulge in your crotch deflate, as your balls recede into your groin, your penis become smaller and smaller until it becomes nothing more than a button, and a slit painfully forms between your legs.

As the changes finally stop so does the pain, and you can finally catch your breath and inspect your changed body. You can’t help but bring your dainty hands to your chest in disbelief, and you gasp as you give a firm squeeze to your new breasts. You get more and more scared, and you immediately check out what’s now down in your groin. All you can find is an alien and unsettling void where your dick used to be. You are a girl!

Shocked and confused you realize that you have to do something and find a way to change back, but all you can find around you are three other alembics placed on the desk beside you. One contains a red liquid, one a green one, and the last one a blue one. One of them may possibly undo the effects of the last potion you drunk, but there’s no way to know that for sure, and most importantly even if that was the case there is really no way to know which one of them may be the cure.

What do you do?

  1. It's too dangerous
  2. You drink the red one
  3. You drink the green one
  4. You drink the blue one

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