15 April 2018

Fitting in

Requested by leofan :)
God I so needed a break. It’s not even 6 in the evening and the party is already getting wild. Jenna is already drunk, and Michael took out his special pot. My apartment is going to smell awful by the end of the evening. Hell, it smells awful already. I needed to get out and have some hair.

Funny, I feel just like I’m one of those American telefilms I used to watch all the time back at home in Colombia, with all my friends having a party inside while I sit thoughtful here on the fire escape. There’s something so appealing in all this. I really do feel like this is where I am supposed to be, and most importantly of all who I am supposed to be. I think it has been months since the last time I have thought about my previous life in South America, and I have thought about myself as Leonardo. It feels like an eternity has already passed, while I have still have not reached the end of my first year of college. I just feel like I always been like this. I now really feel like Lina is who I am going to be for the rest of my life.

God bless that program. I was so excited when I found out that I had won a scholarship for such a prestigious college, but I was also afraid I would have never fitted here in New York as a 32 years old Colombian guy, especially among college kids. When I was offered the chance to enroll in a program that would have changed my body to help me get used to the new city and culture I was unsure about what to do, but the prospect of becoming younger really sold me on the idea. I was understandably shocked and even pretty pissed off when I discovered that my gender had been changed as well. Apparently some feminist committee thought that the program was a nice chance to educate males to the struggle women have to go through in a male dominated society, which meant that I would have spent my years in college as a twenty-something girl.

It was hard. Like, really really hard. I had so much to get used to. For the first few weeks I have basically ignored my studies for how absorbed I was by all the things I had to learn to live as a girl. I had to go through annoying grooming every morning, learning how to do my makeup and hair properly, and I had to buy a new wardrobe and get accustomed to it. Panties, bras, and with time even skirts and dresses became items of common use for me. Not to mention the shoes. I was encouraged to wear heels as often as possible, but just taking a few steps out of my apartment in those was so painful and uncomfortable. But the hardest part was to get used to see my new reflection in the mirror every morning, and look down at my new body every day, seeing my new round breasts and my flat crotch.

But with time things started to get better. I got used to my morning routine, I started to feel comfortable with my body, and feminine mannerism became like a second nature to me. I grew to like how hot I looked in those female clothes I used to consider so uncomfortable, and even though the heels never really stopped to hurt, I loved how they perked up my ass. And most importantly of all, I discovered how good my new body felt. I learned almost immediately how pleasant it was to massage my tits, and my skin felt just so soft and sensitive. And when I finally took the courage to start experimenting with my new genitals, well, I discovered heaven. From that day on I have basically embraced my new life, and as I started to feel more and more comfortable in my new skin, and to feel my new body as truly mine, people started to notice it, and I started to make friends. Both females and… male friends.

I tell you, life has never been this good. College is just the best. While I have to always keep my grades on check, I have managed pretty well so far without sacrificing social life, which means that I get to spend most of my time partying with my new girlfriends. And dating my boyfriend. I can hear him looking for me inside. I could reach him and get back inside with the others, but I want him to join me out here. There’s something so romantic in this city, and I can’t wait to make up with him out here, just like in a movie. God I love him so much! It is still too soon to say, but whenever I think about it, I always come to the conclusion that I don’t want to go back. I want to stay like this forever, and live the resto of my life as Lina. When the time comes, I will have to take my decision, but my heart has already decided. This is who I am now, and who I am going to be from now on. I am Lina. God does that feel good to say it!

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