22 February 2018

Not bad

The girl left the dancefloor room and headed down the dimly lit corridor strutting sexily. She stopped halfway to the exit of the club to contemplate her image in the mirrors covering the walls, and she smiled pleased. Martin couldn’t have hoped better for his new body. He was so sexy in that dress, and his new tits were incredible. So stunning. So gorgeous. He finally was what he always wanted to be.

“Not bad” he thought. He took a sip of the drink he just took from the counter. He couldn’t resist when he saw it, so girly with its bright pink color. He had always been fond of the drinks girls could order. They looked delicious, but he could never order them for fear of being called a sissy. Life as a guy had always been so difficult for him, constantly having to live up to the standards set by society on how a man should behave, while all he secretly wanted was to enjoy pretty things and bask into voluptuousness. Well, he was a girl now, and a pretty hot one at that. Things would have been a lot different from that moment on. Thing would have been just like he always wanted them to be. That drink tasted incredibly sweet, but it was Martin’s satisfaction that made it taste even sweeter.

He heard the piercing shriek come from the room he just left, immediately followed by many others. In a handful of seconds there was total mayhem just a few meters away from him. He wasn’t surprised by it though. All the people in the club must had just woken up after the Swapping Bomb had gone off, and fear and confusion was just the natural reaction to waking up in a body that wasn’t yours. Unless you were the one having set up the bomb, that is.

Martin thought about it, he was pretty lucky in the end. It was a huge risk to use the bomb in such a crowded place. He could have ended up just as anyone, even risking to be stuck as a guy again. But in the end he had become one of the many hot girls dancing in the club like he hoped for, so everything had worked out perfectly. And moreover by doing so he had got some revenge on society. Even though he couldn’t be certain of it, most likely now many people had switched gender just like he did, and now they would have known how it feels to be trapped in a body of the wrong gender.

He smiled satisfied at his actions, and then he kept heading towards the exit to never look back at his old life again. That was the beginning of his new life, and looking down at his brand new body he knew for certain that it would have been great. “Not bad at all.”

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